reviews Sub Zero

Sub Zero Ice Cream review, by Debbie CranberryFries It’s not so much a secret anymore that the best place to find some delicious treat is Sub Zero Ice Cream. SUB ZERO is Cryogenics, the science of ultra cold where they use direct contact freezing. Which means you get to pick what you want, watch them […] reviews Sub Zero

SubZero Ice Cream – Provo, UT Liquid cream + Flavorings + Mix ins + Liquid Nitrogen = ice cream??? It’s true. Science has again met up with my favorite frozen treat : ice cream. But this isn’t your typical 31 Flavors parlor. After hearing rave reviews from several friends about the the up-and-coming phenomenon that […]

Popular Mechanics Investigates Sub Zero

Making the Coldest Ice Cream in the World—But is it Any Good? by Jennifer Bogo It only takes a few ingredients to make lactose lovers’ favorite treat: Ice cream requires sugar, milk, flavoring and agitation. And, of course, a means to freeze it. Starting with salt and ice, that process has been low-tech for centuries—just […]