Summer Product Highlight: Italian Ice

Summer is known for its outdoor fun, carnivals, festivals, and soaring temperatures. Among the best summer memories are the sweet treats to beat the heat!   What is the perfect summertime treat? So many options to choose from, and some are far better than others. Snow cones are cool, but the flavor just sinks to […]

Guilty Pleasure No More! The Lactose Intolerant Can Enjoy Ice Cream Too.

I was staying with a friend once who had already, when I stumbled out sleepily, hair askew, made a Pinterest-worthy breakfast. She plated it beautifully, topping it off with a dollop of cottage cheese and strawberries. She set it down in front of me with a flourish.  “This is amazing! But,” I looked at her questioningly, […]

Happy to be Allergy-Free!

One of the best parts about Sub Zero Ice Cream is our ability to make every ice cream completely custom for every individual customer, including our customers with dietary restrictions.  We were so happy to receive a note of thanks from a customer in our Cedar City, Utah store, on behalf of her child with […]

Happy to be Allergy-Free!

One of the best parts about Sub Zero Ice Cream is our ability to make every ice cream completely custom for every individual customer, including our customers with dietary restrictions. We were so happy to receive a note of thanks from a customer in our Cedar City, Utah store, on behalf of her child with […]

Allergies Shouldn’t Stop You!

In the food business, we encounter people with all sorts of food allergies that limit their options. Though it could be annoying to to have food allergies, they are not to be taken lightly. Some allergies are so severe that being in the same room with a product could trigger a horrible reaction. At Sub […]

Frozen Yogurt, A Healthy Alternative

With a lower fat content,  a plethora of nutrients, and the addition of probiotics, yogurt offers the human body health benefits not found in regular milk and cream. Sub Zero understands that while treating yourself to a smooth, rich premium ice cream is a special treat, having a healthier alternative can allow you to fuel […]

Lactose, Your Reign Has Ended!

If you’re lactose intolerant, the last thing you want is ice cream. The traditional kind will make you double over in pain and frozen Soy Milk often turns into a brick of ice. But does this mean you’re condemned to a lifetime of Popsicles? Not if you come to Sub Zero. Our flash freezing process […]

Flavors Uncovered! A Look at Who Makes Them and from What

Part of the Sub Zero Ice Cream appeal is knowing exactly what goes into your food. While our bases and mix-ins are straightforward, the bottled flavors might seem a little suspect. After all, how many places have you gone to where the syrups are as synthetic as your great-aunt’s hairspray? Rest assured, we’ve selected a […]

Oh, the Budget Friendly Possibilities

While the “you get what you pay for” maxim often proves true, here at Sub Zero, we provide customers with a high-quality experience for a low price. With unlimited flavors at no extra cost, you can still concoct a taste-bud sensation without raising the price. If that’s not enough to satisfy your frozen dairy craving, […]

Make Room for the Agave

Agave nectar isn’t as strange as it sounds.  Hailing from Mexico and South Africa, it comes from various species of the agave plant. After an agave plant has reached 7-10 years old, its leaves are removed and sap is taken from the core of the plant (which looks like a pineapple at this point). The […]