Celebrating National Frozen Custard Day with SubZero Nitrogen Ice Cream
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Store Debuts in Georgia
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream Shop Opens in Virginia Beach
Coastal Virginia Magazine
New ice cream shop serves frozen treat with a twist
NewsChannel 10
Why Franchising keeps consumers safe.
Jerry Hancock 801-319-7859 Jerry.hancock@subzeroicecream.comFDA Alert – Why Franchise systems are safe Sub Zero Ice Cream is a store that has been using liquid nitrogen since 2005 making ice cream made to order in front of the customer with Zero incidents. Now with 60 stores across the country and more to come. The phrase “at Point […]
Nitrogen Safety Facts
Sub Zero Ice Cream is both Safe and delicious! Knowledge is power. Here are some facts: •What is Nitrogen? Nitrogen is a gas that makes up 78% of our air! Nitrogen’s boiling point is -320º F, so liquid nitrogen is VERY cold. •Is Liquid Nitrogen safe? Yes, with proper handling. •Does Sub Zero […]
How Does Liquid Nitrogen Work?
That is a very broad question. If you remember in our blog a few weeks ago we talked about how liquid nitrogen was discovered. We know that liquid nitrogen (LN2) is a liquid version of nitrogen (N2) gas. But what makes this liquid element different from any other liquid? Why does LN2 make that big […]
5 Events That Should Have Nitrogen Ice Cream Catering
Did you know that Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream does catering? And if you’ve been searching the internet for “liquid nitrogen ice cream near me” and thinking there can’t possibly be something this cool in your corner of the woods, think again. With dozens of locations from Washington to Texas to Florida to California (and […]
Custard, Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream, Gelato! Oh My!
If you’ve ever been in the frozen section of a grocery store, you’ve probably noticed that not all ice creams are created equal. And we’re not talking about flavors here! In the world of frozen desserts, there are different classifications that distinguish each type. For example, you might already know that sorbet is dairy free […]
Four Sub Zero Activities To Keep You Warm This Winter
It seems like just yesterday the kids were getting out of school for summer, and suddenly winter is here. For many of us, that means cold weather and snow. While some of us might be flocking to our fireplaces and bundling up in blankets, others thrive in the cold. Today’s post is directed at those […]
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