Tasty Tinder Tuesday

It’s Tuesday, and we all know what that means… Things are getting tasty on Tinder! We are loving getting to know all of our customers in such a fun, carefree way! There are some BIG flirts on this app, and we can’t help but crack up at all of the pick-up lines they come up with! As a special […]

Fav Flav Friday: Pumpkin Perfection

Today’s Fav Flav Friday was recommended by our Facebook friend Amanda Lyn! With pumpkin season in full force, this mixture is an obvious favorite. This combo includes: pumpkin flavor, cinnamon, cheesecake bites, all topped off with graham cracker crumbs and Carmel drizzling. Come give it a try and let us know what you think!

Tasty Tinder Treats

“She’s hot!” Swipe right. “Uhhh, I’m sure he has a great personality…” Swipe left. Sound familiar? Of course it does, these are the thoughts that go through everyone’s mind when they are searching for their perfect Tinder match. Well what happens when you do find your perfect match and he/she is not what you expected? Something tasty! Sub Zero created a […]

Fav Flav Friday: “The Break-Up”

This summer Sub Zero Ice Cream kicked off a fun new campaign, called “Fav Flav Friday”, that has given our company the opportunity to see how creative our customers truly are! We have had a variety of submissions, from black licorice combined with blackberry, to Lime Ricki. Friday’s Fav Flav came from our Facebook friend […]

The Emmy’s Golf Tournament!!

This last Monday, Sub Zero had the opportunity to go to the Emmy’s Golf Tournament in California! It was so much fun for everyone there! Check out these cool pictures! And then why not freeze some hats?? And of course one of Jerry and Naomi! For more pictures check out our Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/subzeroicecream

September Sensation!!

Make sure to drop by and try out our sensation for September!! Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Getting back into the school schedule is hard, but as long as you grab yourself a quick bowl of cereal before you run out the door, all’s well. And after you make it through the whole day, you have to […]

September Sensation!!

Make sure to drop by and try out our sensation for September!! Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Getting back into the school schedule is hard, but as long as you grab yourself a quick bowl of cereal before you run out the door, all’s well. And after you make it through the whole day, you have to […]

Ice bucket challenge!

With such simple beginnings as one person challenging a friend to pour some ice water on their head or donate to a charity, the “ice bucket challenge” has swept the nation. Sub Zero ice cream got in on the fun this week and took the challenge. Jerry and Naomi, founders and CEO’s of Sub Zero […]

We Sell Comfort Food

Imagine this: You’re walking down the street. You just came from work. This morning, you woke up 15 minutes before your alarm clock went off. Disappointed, you go back to sleep… only to wake up 3 minutes before you have to be at work. So you were late and your boss was also in a […]

History of Ice Cream!

Have you ever wondered who invented ice cream? Well, so have I. So I looked it up, and after some research, I came to the conclusion that not any one person did. Ice cream’s beginnings can be traced all the way back to ancient Greece when Alexander the great would enjoy snow and ice flavored […]