Back to School!

Here at Sub Zero, back to school time is like Christmas! Instead of presents and candy canes, we get to spread the magic of science to students everywhere in the form of liquid nitrogen ice cream. And to us, that is better than Christmas. Our cryogenic process sets us apart as a scientific experience in […]

Ice cream science comes to Timberline Middle School

by Karissa Neely – Daily Herald Correspondent The audience of eighth-grade students expected to get rather wet in the Timberline Middle School auditorium, but even with water shooting out and up and over, it missed them — mostly. Timberline eighth-grade science classes were treated to some hands-on science by founder and owner of Sub Zero […]

Let Sub Zero Come To Your School

Looking for a way to get your students excited about science? Be it elementary, middle, or high school, Sub Zero Ice Cream and Yogurt has an Educational Program perfect for any grade level. Book us for an assembly and we’ll make sure to put a smile on each student’s face! Our demonstrations with liquid nitrogen […]