Sub Zero Tries Out the Red Carpet

This last month, Sub Zero had the opportunity to share the magic of premium, liquid nitrogen ice cream with celebrities at several events and we had a fantastic time! In the same weekend, we made ice cream at a gifting suite for the 2013 Teen Choice Awards in Hollywood and on the green at Steve […]
Sub Zero in the Delta Sky Magazine

Delta Sky Magazine feature Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt as liquid nitrogen ice cream everyone’s talking about! If you flew Delta for the month of August, I hope you saw it on page 32. If not, look for it as you fly for the rest of the month.
What Is Ice Cream?

Since it’s National Ice Cream Month we’ve decided to go to the roots of our favorite treat and discover the real definition of ice cream. As it turns out, a lot of people have their own definition of what “ice cream” really is, so we’re going to try and stay as official as we can. […]
Sub Zero Ice Cream Selected For “The Best Of Utah Valley”

Sub Zero Ice Cream of Springsville, UT has been recognized by The Daily Herald in its selection of “The Best Of Utah Valley.” A spokesperson from Sub Zero Ice Cream commented on the recognition: “This is quite an honor for us. The fact that The Daily Herald included Sub Zero Ice Cream in its selection of “The Best Of Utah Valley,” signals that our constant efforts towards business excellence are […]
Liquid Nitrogen Ice cream: Uniquely Hand-mixed at Sub Zero

The science behind liquid nitrogen ice cream goes beyond combining chemicals. At Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt, the process of mixing the cream with liquid nitrogen is just as unique as the delicious frozen treat. Instead of using machinery to blend the ingredients, Sub Zero hand-mixes each ingredient to create a dense, premium ice […]
HuffPost Taste Blog: I Scream for Vegan Ice Cream!

The Huffington Post Food blog raved about Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt’s vegan and allergy-friendly food options after visiting our Sarasota, FL location. With many different cream base options and 20+ mix-in options, we can cater to almost any dietary need. And if we can’t, bring in your own stuff and we’ll freeze it […]
Stores, Stores and More Stores!
Summer is the best season for ice cream lovers and sellers alike! As our company grows, we have many new stores under construction and in operation for this new summer season that we are very excited about. To celebrate, we would like to highlight the new stores and those coming in the near future. Indianapolis, […]
Jerry Hancock, Founder / CEO / Chairman of the Board: As a kid, Jerry’s favorite ice cream was raspberry and his current favorite Sub Zero flavor is black raspberry and coconut with mixed berries, a cross between a smooth coconut and tart berry. He has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. As a teenager he sold apples door […]
Flavor of the Year Contest 2013
Announcing Sub Zero’s Flavor of the Year contest! Starting May 20, 2013, Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt is sponsoring a Flavor of the Year contest. Customers can submit personal ice cream creations online and win a year’s supply of Sub Zero ice cream. From May 20 to June 30, customers at all Sub Zero […]
Shark Tank, Here we Come!
Our founders, Jerry and Naomi Hancock, will be featured on ABC’s “Shark Tank” on Friday, Jan. 11, at 9 p.m. ET and at 8 p.m. MT. Many of the Sub Zero locations will be hosting viewing parties, so check with your local store to get more information.
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