November’s Flavor of the Month

Introducing a Flavor of the Month unlike any other: Pumpkin Pie Sundae. This Sensation is made of pumpkin, caramel, and cinnamon ice cream with pecans, cheesecake bites, chocolate shavings, and graham cracker pieces. If you’re looking for a flavor that will make your heart skip a beat, than stop by your nearest Sub Zero and […]

Are You Team Edward or Team Jacob?

It’s time to end the debate once and for all! In celebration of all things vampire and werewolf, Sub Zero has created two ice cream sensations that will make your mouth water: Team Edward and Team Jacob. You can vote for which Team you love the most by buying the corresponding ice cream. The contest […]

Standard Examiner Announces New Sub Zero in Layton

Entrepreneur ventures into cold with ice cream, frozen yogurt in Layton By Jasen Asay Standard-Examiner Davis Bureau Fri, 10/07/2011 – 11:00pm LAYTON — Is stepping away from a secure job in a shaky economy to start an ice cream store before winter in Utah a good idea? That is just one of the many nerve-racking […]

Free ice cream at new Sub Zero in Layton

The Salt Lake Tribune First published Oct 06 2011 08:33AM Updated Dec 6, 2011 09:19PM On Saturday, Oct. 8, Sub Zero Ice Cream will celebrate the opening of its newest store in Layton, with free samples, giveaways and live music. The celebration runs from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the new store, 1978 N. […]

Grand Opening in Federal Way, Washington

Hey Federal Way! Join us for our official GRAND OPENING on Thursday, October 6th at 31653 Pacific Hwy South, Suite A. Mayor Skip Priest will be cutting the ribbon at 11:30 a.m., free ice cream samples will be provided throughout the afternoon and evening. Sub Zero Ice Cream was started under the direction of founder, […]

October’s Flavor of the Month! Love at First Bite

Our inspiration for October’s Flavor was candy corn and bags upon bags of Trick or Treat candy. To achieve such goulish perfection, we made the ice cream taste like sweet caramel and then loaded it with chocolate bars. Have a wonderful October! P.S We have more sensational ice cream flavors coming out this month in […]

Grand Opening in Layton, UT

You’re invited to come celebrate the Grand Opening of the new Layton store! Free taste tests, liquid nitrogen demonstrations, give-a-ways, and live music! Where: 1978 North 1200 West, Layton, Utah 84041 When: October 8th, 2011; 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Show the new Layton location some loven’ by heading over for the Grand Opening! What better […]

Let Sub Zero Come To Your School

Looking for a way to get your students excited about science? Be it elementary, middle, or high school, Sub Zero Ice Cream and Yogurt has an Educational Program perfect for any grade level. Book us for an assembly and we’ll make sure to put a smile on each student’s face! Our demonstrations with liquid nitrogen […]

Sub Zero at Semi-Annual LDS Blood Drive, Simi Valley, CA

On Tuesday, September 13th, Sub Zero Ice Cream and Yogurt made an appearance at the Simi Valley Blood Drive at the Stake center for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Blood Drive was a wild success, with seventy-five pints of blood collected! We had the privilege of feeding the wonderful participants […]