January’s Flavor of the Month
Baby, it’s cold outside, but never too cold for American’s #1 dessert! This month’s flavor captures the elements of a fresh snow fall with it’s sweet caramel and crunchy Heath and graham cracker.
NicoleRatesIt.com reviews Sub Zero
SubZero Ice Cream – Provo, UT Liquid cream + Flavorings + Mix ins + Liquid Nitrogen = ice cream??? It’s true. Science has again met up with my favorite frozen treat : ice cream. But this isn’t your typical 31 Flavors parlor. After hearing rave reviews from several friends about the the up-and-coming phenomenon that […]
Popular Mechanics Investigates Sub Zero
Making the Coldest Ice Cream in the World—But is it Any Good? by Jennifer Bogo It only takes a few ingredients to make lactose lovers’ favorite treat: Ice cream requires sugar, milk, flavoring and agitation. And, of course, a means to freeze it. Starting with salt and ice, that process has been low-tech for centuries—just […]
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