Cold Hands, Warm Hearts

The Sub Zero Experience Helping With Life Experiences

Have you heard before about ice cream being a “Comfort Food”? That a broken heart can be treated or at least appeased with a quart of ice cream, letting that sweet, cool cream drown sorrows and lift spirits? Ice cream is a happy place; usually celebrations and social extensions of a good time that no one wants to end. But some of our franchisees have had some sweet experiences in this respect that are sad but heartening to hear that our ice cream was able to deliver some comfort in troubling times.

A franchisee shared an experience that she had in her store as she served customers their ice cream. “This week I was caught off guard when I asked regular customers how they were doing. One told me of a cousin that has been missing for days now and the family and friends continue the search for him but are losing hope he will be found alive. He came in for his regular quart of chocolate conduction as he needed a break from it all.”

Another experience was about a family that had just returned from an ultrasound for their unborn baby and were told nothing other than “the doctor will call you”. While trying to cope, with what they are expecting to be news of a lost child, it was our ice cream that gave them comfort. In the words of the franchisee, “My heart aches for these customers, but I find some peace that they choose to come to Sub Zero to share not only the good times but the tough ones as well. Their servings were scooped with a little extra Sub Zero love.”

Another shared, “Last year I had a man and his teenage son and daughter come in. They had just come from the hospital where the mom had passed away. It was touching that they came here for some consolation.”

As one of our wise Sub Zero owners put it so well, “We may be ‘cryogenic engineers’ (as I call my team members) with cold hands, but our customers know we also have warm hearts.” Sub Zero Ice Cream is more than just ice cream, it’s an experience. At Sub Zero Ice Cream, we love that you include us as a part of your lives, that you seek out our experience to help you with your own.

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