Fav Flav Friday: “The Break-Up”

This summer Sub Zero Ice Cream kicked off a fun new campaign, called “Fav Flav Friday”, that has given our company the opportunity to see how creative our customers truly are! We have had a variety of submissions, from black licorice combined with blackberry, to Lime Ricki.

Friday’s Fav Flav came from our Facebook friend Amanda who gave her custom creation its own name, “The Break-Up”. She and a few friends had a great time concocting this delicious mix of cream, peanut butter swirls, malt, cheesecake, brownie, fudge swirls, and cinnamon. After trying their delicious nitrogen infused ice cream, they thought that it tasted like the perfect medicine for a broken heart.

We completely agree! Thanks Amanda, for sharing your Fav Flav!

Follow us on Instagram to see every Friday’s Fav Flav!: subzero_icecream



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