Memorial Day – Tell us.

By Jerry Hancock – We often think of Memorial Day as the first day of Summer or a day of celebration where we get together and BBQ.  At Sub Zero we want to Memorialize those that have sacrificed all, that we might be.  We are Americans and Proud to be Americans.  We would not have this great country if it were not for those that are not here.  I saw some of these pictures that particularly touched me.  The second and third were displays in our Generation Park Tx Sub Zero Ice Cream.  The significance is particularly emotional.  If you have not seen this display it is a typical display at every Military Chow Hall where at every meal our service men and women are reminded at each meal of those we are waiting to return or will not return.  We still set the plate with respect to the ones we have lost protecting our way of life.




Memorial day has been extended often to remembering any of our ancestors that have passed although it is specific to those lost defending freedom.

What Memorial day is not.  A celebration, honoring the living.  We are conscious to not use this day for commercial promotion.

This Memorial Day we are asking that you share the story of some that we’ve lost in the defense of freedom.  We want to hear how they impacted you.

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