Utah’s number one original hot spot, St. George, became a little cooler when it’s first Sub Zero Ice Cream and Yogurt opened its doors on June 30, 2012. Located in the Pine View Plaza next to the Pine View Stadium 10 theaters, the festivities got underway with a ribbon cutting and free ice cream for the kids. Two radio stations marked the occasion by broadcasting live on-site and posting several videos on YouTube.

Will Utah’s Dixie now be known for it’s endless flavors of flash frozen goodness? Here at Sub Zero, we’d like to think so.

[youtube_sc url=”WeLKPyOPNWQ” playlist=”c24uOWkqHFA,cyRtIkigcmc” rel=”0″]


One Response

  1. Hello.
    My name is Steve Curtis. I am the VP, Director of Sales & Marketing for a Utah company called WingCash. WingCash is a free service that allows for individuals and businesses to transact in cash online with no transaction fees. The Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt stores in Brigham Landing (Jerry’s Store), Sandy, and Jordan Landing all accept WingCash. It’s free to add your store to the network, and it’s free for customers to pay you with cash – electronically from their smart phone.

    Brad Wilkes, CEO and Founder of WingCash, and I recently attended a Sub Zero Board Meeting in Sandy with an invitation to attend from Jerry. Subsequent to that meeting, Jerry sent out an email to all of the franchises asking them to please pay their franchise fees using WingCash. Therefore, may we please schedule a time to talk on the phone and we can get your store added to the network? We can explain the service and get your store added to the network in less than 1 hour – probably closer to 30 minutes. No additional hardware or software is required, and it’s very simple to use.

    Please let me know your thoughts, and when we might be able to schedule some time. Thank you,

    Steve Curtis
    VP, Director of Sales & Marketing
    WingCash, LLC

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