Featured Sensation

Sensation Review: Chocolate Conduction

Sensations sound, well, sensational, but what are they really like? Here’s one perspective that might help make your decision a little easier.

Our feature this week is Chocolate Conduction: Chocolate and Fudge Ice Cream, Brownie Bits, and Chocolate Flakes.

I’ve got to preface, I don’t generally like chocolate ice cream very much, because it rarely actually tastes like chocolate. It tastes like chocolate ice cream flavor. I detected no hint of that fake chocolate taste, and I loved Chocolate Conduction. It’s nice to be pleasantly surprised.

I think it’s the fudge that brings a richness and deepness of flavor that goes far beyond regular chocolate ice cream. When I still really enjoyed it even halfway through, I knew it was a winner, not just the excitement of something new. The chocolate/fudge blend is a win. I bet it would also go really nicely with Nutella or other chocolate add-ins to get that layers-of-flavors richness. If you really like that chocolate ice cream flavor, you could go straight chocolate without an add-in and it’ll still be the creamiest, most dense chocolate ice cream you’ve ever had. I’m glad they make it so easy to make little tweaks according to individual tastes at Sub Zero.

As for the mix-ins, I think they’re perfect for a well-rounded, all-out chocolate ice cream. The brownie bites stay soft and provide a lovely juxtaposition with the nice crunch of the chocolate bits, which I’ve raved about before in their perfect simplicity. I don’t think a chocolate-lover could have chosen better. Those layers of flavors are really out doing themselves. It’s like how a designer can decorate a whole room with one color, just every shade of it, and it’s magically not too much and actually really satisfying, even when it’s not your favorite color. That’s it. It’s a really satisfying combination, even for this responsibly moderate chocolate consumer. If I were ordering for my dad, the famous chocoholic in my life, this would definitely be the one I’d choose for him.

Bottom line: An all-out chocolate with layers of flavors, richness, and a great balance of mix-ins. Not your average chocolate ice cream.