Sub Zero at Semi-Annual LDS Blood Drive, Simi Valley, CA

On Tuesday, September 13th, Sub Zero Ice Cream and Yogurt made an appearance at the Simi Valley Blood Drive at the Stake center for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The Blood Drive was a wild success, with seventy-five pints of blood collected! We had the privilege of feeding the wonderful participants and would like to thank them again for giving up their time and blood to make a difference in another person’s life.

Sub Zero Ice Cream and Yogurt setting up at the Blood Drive in Simi Valley, CA

Cherie Whitaker, Cimi Valley Public Relations Coordinator, writes in regards to her Sub Zero experience:

“I must admit, having Sub Zero Ice Cream was not only a big hit, but many came to try it, having heard or tasted it before in Utah and were  really happy they participated in our Blood Drive instead of us giving coupons to redeem for a pint elsewhere.   None more than myself who treasures Ice Cream, and am diabetic and lactose intolerant.  I love the idea you can make it with almond milk, which I love, and add things to up the taste.  Not only that, the texture and flavors were amazingly different and much better than anything i have favored in the past. If that weren’t enough the show of preparing it was priceless.  Rob and John did a great job explaining it over and over and had non stop lines in front of their booth.   Sub Zero has my personal endorsement, and I’ll probably end up being a regular even though the shop is about 10 miles from where I live.  I will travel for quality!”

Rob and John, new Sub Zero franchise owners at Simi Valley

And for all of you in California wondering where you can find more Sub Zero Ice Cream, a location will be opening in Simi Valley soon!

Do you have photos from the Blood Drive? Or want to share your experience? Leave a comment in the box below. We love hearing from ice cream enthusiasts like yourself.


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