Sub Zero Ice Cream Selected For “The Best Of Utah Valley”

Best of Utah ValleySub Zero Ice Cream of Springsville, UT has been recognized by The Daily Herald in its selection of “The Best Of Utah Valley.”

A spokesperson from Sub Zero Ice Cream commented on the recognition: “This is quite an honor for us. The fact that The Daily Herald included Sub Zero Ice Cream in its selection of “The Best Of Utah Valley,” signals that our constant efforts towards business excellence are paying off. We are proud to be included in this recognition.”

Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt is a franchise organization dedicated to providing gourmet, custom-made ice cream. In 2004, Sub Zero opened in Orem, UT and has since spread throughout the United States and other countries. Quality cream, flavors, and mix-ins are flash-frozen with liquid nitrogen to produce over 34 trillion tantalizing combinations that will satisfy any sweet tooth. Make memories as you taste the sensation and experience the scientific magic of Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt. 

Following the publication of Sub Zero Ice Cream’s selection for The Daily Herald’s The Best Of Utah Valley list, American Registry seconded the honor and added Sub Zero Ice Cream to the “Registry of Business Excellence™”. An exclusive recognition plaque, shown here, has been designed to commemorate this honor.


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