Sub Zero: There’s an App for that…Now!

Sub Zero Ice Cream & Yogurt has officially gone high-tech with our new App! Customers no longer have to wait until they are in line to decide their perfect flavor combination or log on to their computer to check in on Facebook and Twitter, the app places all the information you need in the palm of your hand instantly!

Features of the app include everything you could possibly need to make that Sub Zero experience the best. Customers can see a list of our products and menu before coming to the store to get ideas of what flavors they want. If you are new to the Sub Zero process, you can find a location near you and even access our YouTube account to see just how our unique ice cream is made. One of our personal favorite features of the Sub Zero app is the “Ice Cream Cam” that allows you to take a picture of your personal creation and send it to our corporate office for publication! We love hearing about your flavor creations and posting them on our social media pages.

We think the app is pretty great, but don’t take our word for it. Download the app from the app store now and play around with it. It’s compatible with all smart phones. Let us know what you think and anything you would change too!



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