Sub Zero Tries Out the Red Carpet

This last month, Sub Zero had the opportunity to share the magic of premium, liquid nitrogen ice cream with celebrities at several events and we had a fantastic time! In the same weekend, we made ice cream at a gifting suite for the 2013 Teen Choice Awards in Hollywood and on the green at Steve Harvey’s celebrity golfing tournament in Las Vegas. We learned a lot about promoting and met some incredible people in the process.

Jean-Luc Bilodeau 1- smallerAt the Teen Choice Awards it was awesome to amaze the celebrities with our fast-freezing process. Comments like “that’s amazing” and “wow!” were frequent as our Sub Zero employees made ice cream in a matter of seconds. The awestruck faces that accompanied those comments were equally heart-warming. We hope that we made the same lasting impression on each of them as they did for us.

steve harvey and jerry

At the Steve Harvey golf tournament, Founders Jerry and Naomi Hancock served Sub Zero Ice Cream to celebrities as they golfed through the 15th hole of the green. Celebrities got to take a small break from golfing to grab a frozen treat and take a picture with the Sub Zero banner and signature fog.

Overall our experiences were great and Sub Zero was in the spot light for a few moments! Below is a compilation of our Teen Choice Awards experience. We hope you recognize some of the celebrities in attendance.

Upcoming event: MAKING ice cream with celebrities at the 2013 Emmy’s gifting suite on September 16th! Stay tuned for awesome footage to come from that! 🙂


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