Sub Zero Process
It starts with quality liquid cream and ends with the creamiest and freshest
Jerry and Naomi Hancock wanted to provide the same freedom to customers with desserts
Armed with a chemistry degree from Brigham Young University, Jerry developed a method of freezing ice cream with liquid nitrogen (which comes from the air we breathe). His technique was such a success that in 2004 he opened the first Sub Zero Ice Cream shop in Orem, Utah. Since then, Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice Cream has changed from a small, local business into a National and international Sensation
Sub Zero Ice Cream will continue to be the best at offering the unparalleled ability to deliver exactly the ice cream or frozen dessert that the customer wants. At our stores, each ice cream is hand-prepared, made-to-order and flash-frozen using our patented liquid nitrogen freezing process. The result is the freshest, creamiest ice cream available, and the only place where more than a trillion combinations are possible

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